Guo Lin Qigong Association of Toronto

“生命的感悟” -- 作者:孙云彩 (全文) /
"Understanding of Life" - Author: Sun Yun Cai (Full Text)

English Translation







这几天,我的心中,有一朵“铿锵玫瑰”在绽放着;我的耳边,总是缭绕着她动情的歌声;我的脑海里,总是闪烁着她明亮动人眼睛;我的眼前,总是浮现着她在为”粉红丝带”代言,亭亭玉立在世人面前,坦荡微笑、直面癌症的美丽少女;她的一切,真是太美了!……她,就是: 生命的歌者--姚贝娜!






所以,我们没有理由悲凄;更没有理由无奈!我们应该高高举起这朵“铿锵玫瑰”,骄傲地为她壮别!我们更要热烈欢呼:千万多朵 “铿锵玫瑰”正在怒放!让“癌症≠死亡”在我们的生命中去实现!

征服癌症的路在哪里?人类社会的进步,世界医学科学的发展,饮食营养的丰富,多种修身养命的方法……为我们提供了广阔的源泉!但我们如何去汲取、运用、发挥其优秀的部分,实在不易!可是得癌的命运,把我们推到了抗癌的前沿!记得:在我得癌的35年前,十九世纪的八十年代,那是一个恐癌的年代。46岁的我,被确诊为乳癌3期,双侧乳房切除,还诊断为“乳癌术后肺转移”!当时,我的心啊,只感到“上天无路,入地无门”!在无奈中,我只有一切听从医生的安排:手术、放疗、化疗,中药调理,身体极其虚弱,我在鬼门关前徘徊着 ……,我在求生的寻觅中,看到了《癌症≠死亡》这篇报告文学,从中找到了“抗癌明星”与抗癌的“郭林新气功”。经过了近10年的坚持与努力,终于赢得了身心的康复。之后,我在癌症王国里,与国内外的癌友们,携手并肩,奋斗着、努力着。35的抗癌之路告诉我: “征服癌症,从心开始”! “乐观拼搏,自救互助,综合治疗,征服癌症”!“希望在自己心中,生命在自己脚下!前进的路,是用自己的勇敢与智慧走出来的!” 要“以健康的心里为统帅,以自我心里治疗为先导;首选西医,结合中医;坚持辨证气功,适当锻炼,调理饮食营养,营造温馨的家庭环境”,走一条“心疗.医疗.体疗.环疗”有机结合的、科学的、综合的,抗癌康复之路!成千上万的癌友在这条路上赢得了康复!











你们的老癌朋友: 云 彩

2015年1月20日 于多伦多


“My Understanding of Life” – to share with my fellow cancer friends:

My dearest fellow cancer friends: How are you?

In extreme cold and snowy winter days, you are still exploring, making every effort for the sake of your own health.

When spring comes and flowers bloom, you will definitely meet the victory!

The cold weather on last Friday, Jan 16, 2015 was over; today, though cloudy, it is warm; at this moment, I really want to open my heart to you..... please share with me....

These days, in my heart, an “iron rose”is in bloom; my ears are always filled with her emotional songs; in my mind, her bright and beautiful eyes flashing all the time; before my eyes, always emerges with her as the spokesman of "Pink Ribbon" - stand gracefully; a beautiful young lady, despite her gruelling battle with cancer, is still smiling; everything in her is so beautiful! ... She is: the singer of life - Bella Yao!

Her songs, so many people praise! Her image, so many people proud of! She is the most beautiful woman in China. She is the youngest warrior in the Cancer Kingdom. She...created the beautiful world! She... left the world with true love! She, only 33, but left bravely! Gone without any regret!... So many people felt sorry for her; so many people felt tangled; so many people were touched; so many people said goodbye to heSince then, I have been fighting hard, working hard, together with the cancer friends all over the world.r.....

She! To me - 80 years old - have been running around 35 years in the cancer kingdom - She motivated me... I must work harder and keep moving forward!

Because of her young age-33, I came to understand that: the path of life is the road ahead; walk bravely, run happily; no matter how dangerous the road is, no matter how rough the sea is; we must walk step by step, singing all the way、laughing all the way; let the world proud of our existence!

Although the beautiful "iron rose" faded, she left us her tremendous beauty!

Looking ahead, millions of "iron rose" are still in bloom in Cancer Kingdom! 5 years, 10 years, 20 years, 30 years... middle to last stage breast cancer survivors or other cancer survivors.. they give us an example, the strength, the experience, the direction....

So, there is no reasons for us to be mournful; there is no reason for us to get frustrated! We should happily hold this "iron rose", farewell her proudly! We have to cheer: millions of "Iron Roses" is in full bloom! Let "Cancer Does Not Mean Death" to implement in our lives!

Where is the road to conquer cancer? The progress of society, the development of medical science in the world, rich in food nutrition, various self-cultivation method... all provide vast resources tu us! But how are we going to learn, to use, to play its best parts? It is not easy! The fate of getting cancer, push us to the frontline of fighting cancer. Remember: I have cancer 35 years ago, in the eighties of the nineteenth century, it was an era of fear of cancer. I was diagnosed with breast cancer stage 3 at 46, though both breasts have been removed. I was diagnosed as breast cancer metastasis to lung! At that time, in my heart, there is no road to heaven and no door into the earth; I have no way of escape! Helplessly, I can only follow all the arrangements from the doctor: surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, traditional Chinese medicine, my body was very weak, I lingered in front of the gates of hell... in seeking to survive, I read an article "Cancer Does Not Mean Death" and found the "anti-cancer star" and "Guo Lin Qigong". After nearly 10 years persistent efforts, I finally won and recovered. Since then, I have been fighting hard, working hard, together with the cancer friends all over the world. 35 years of anti-cancer road told me: "Conquering cancer, starting from your heart"! "fighting hard and remains optimistic, help yourself and help others, integrated treatments, conquering cancer"! "Hope is in your heart, Life is under your feet! Moving forward with your courage and wisdom!"! "A healthy psychology, western medicine as the first choice, combined with Chinese medicine, choose nutritious foods and eat healthy, create a family-like environment". Integrated and holistic approach towards cancer treatment methodology: conventional medicine, traditional Chinese medicine, Guollin Qigong, nutritional therapy and psychological therapy. Thousands and thousands of people are practicing Guo Lin Qigong all over the world and win the battle.

My dearest fellow cancer friends: Facing the threat of cancer on our lives, facing the overwhelming information from the internet, facing millions of roads in the world, you can choose one road only! So we have to wake up, we have to cheer up, we must do everything we can with our wisdom and courage! If, at this time, we are weak, shaken, fickleness, greedy, confused and panic, we will be wasting our precious time! My firends: Please cherish life, to rebuild our health is our responsibility and obligation.

I would like to sincerely share with you here: History and experience have proved that - Guo Lin Qigong - the excellent traditional culture - is a golden key to develop the power of life! Whether it can play a role in life-saving or not - the key is that you learn it seriously - practise persistently!

Life need to be nurtured carefully; life need to be taken care of using the right approach and way; learn from others' merit - you will certainly find your own unregrettable wonderful way of life!

On the road of life, we have no choice but to move forward!

Moving forward - belongs to those brave ones! Success - belongs to those brave+wisdow ones!

Only persistent, brave and wisdom people can reach the glorious summit!

Today, a clear sky without cloud, looking at the sun rises in the east, Bella's passionate songs are still lingered in the air! So many people are singing with her together, let her beautiful rhythm of life resounds loud in the world.

Bella - nurtured her own wonderful life carefully! We are proud of her!

There is no perfect world! Succes and failure, smooth and tortuous, hope and despair, happiness and misery, all go hand in hand.

So, what we need is: to recognize "the true essence" of life; to choose the right "road", no turning back, go forward! ... no regret in life!

Let us encourage each other in our endeavours.

Your old cancer friend: Yun Cai
January 20, 2015 Toronto