Guo Lin Qigong Association of Toronto

孫老師的感謝信 Thank You Letter from Master Sun



2014年9月27日《多伦多郭林气功学会》成立12周年暨孙老师80大寿的庆祝活动,经过全体委员和义工精心的筹办,及会员的积极参与,已经圆满结束;10月5日,在Eugene Yang 及 Yang Lu-Mei的全力支持帮助下,在《学会》活动地点,又举办了答谢 “分享生日蛋糕”的聚会。






2014年10月,是我生命路上幸福与难忘的时刻,它开启了我80后的生命里程;我将充满信心,在你们的关爱与支持下,一定与你们一起继续前进!现在,我将把《学会》代表全体会员,赠送给我的珍贵礼物--三星AP,为《多伦多郭林气功学会》,创建一个《郭林气功在北美》的论坛“微信群”。 任务是:

  1. 学习郭林气功的功法,探索郭林气功的功理,运用郭林气功“辩证施治”对症练功;交流身心康复的系统工程;
  2. 转载营养与饮食的可靠文章;转载可靠的医药与保健的好文章。

我的微信号:YCSun103 , 欢迎各位会员参加。


你们永远的老朋友    孙云彩    2014/10/10

孫老師的照片在英文翻譯下面 (鼠標指向照片可以看到照片描述)


Thank You Letter from Master Sun -- Touched! Appreciated! Grateful!

The celebration party of "Guo Lin Qi Gong Association of Toronto's 12th Anniversary and celebrating Master Sun's 80th Birthday" was successfully held on September 27, 2014 through the well-planning from the committee members and the active participation from the members. With the full support and assistance from Eugene Yang and Yang Lu-mei, a thank you party, "Sharing the Birthday cake", was also held at the practice gathering session on October 5.

Although the celebration is over for a week, but I am still touched, appreciated and grateful! It is difficult to express my feelings with words. Right now deep in my heart still retain the beautiful scene of the party; the exciting and upbeat atmosphere of the party; the footprint of every pioneer, devotee who has helped developing Guo Lin Qigong for the past 12 years; the love and encouragement from all the old and new friends to me; and all your passionate affection to me.

My sincere thanks: For all the efforts and hard work that were done by the chairman and the committee members of "Guo Lin Qi Gong Association of Toronto", all participated members and friends.

My eternal gratitude: To have met you in my life. You nourish my life.You inspire me to keep moving on.

My heartfelt blessing: Healthy development of "Guo Lin Qigong Association of Toronto". Bless you all with happiness and good health!

I eagerly look forward to: Every one of you can achieve great success through practising Guo Lin Qigong!

October 2014 is a happiness and unforgettable moment in my life, it begins another stage of my life journey after 80. I am confident, with your love and support, I will continue to keep moving on with you together. Now, I will use the Samsung tablet - the precious birthday gift from all members of "Guo Lin Qigong Association of Toronto" - to create a WeChat forum (Chinese Only) for "Guo Lin Qigong in North America". The tasks are:

  1. Learn the technique of "Guo Lin Qigong"; explore the theory of "Guo Lin Qigong"; use different techniques to different patients depending on their condition; exchange information of physical and psychological rehabilitation.
  2. Post reliable nutriton and healthy articles; Post reliable and good medical and healthcare articles

My Wechat ID# is YCSun103. all members are welcome to join.

My deepest gratitude once again!

Your forever friend - Sun Yun Cai

October 10, 2014

Below are photos from Master Sun (mouseover each photo to see the description)