Guo Lin Qigong Association of Toronto

Oriole 社區中心 / Oriole Community Centre

Oriole 社區中心位於北約克 Don Mills Road West 2975 號 (Finch 與 Sheppard 路之間)

Oriole Community Centre is located at 2975 Don Mills Road West (between Finch and Sheppard), North York.

請點擊下列地圖查看有關Oriole 社區中心 附近 Don Mills Road W及 E (都是單向車路) 的行車路綫。請依黃線到Multi-purpose room (地圖上黃色M)。離開停車場進入Don Mills Road W 時,必須左轉。

Please click the map below for traffic flow directions at Don Mills Road W and E (both are one way streets) in the neighbourhood of the Oriole Community Centre and follow the yellow lines to the Multi-purpose room (the yellow M in the map). When you exit the parking lot and turn into Don Mills Road W, you must turn left.